Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Aydın Türkiye'nin ekonomi ve bankacılık tecrübesini Arap
bankacılara anlattı
Turkish Lira Reference Interest Rates
Hoping to meet the need for a reference interest rate to be used in the transactions conducted among the banks or by the banks in the name of their clients, with the decision taken by the Board of Directors on the 16th of April 2002, TRLIBOR is decided to be published daily from the 1st of August 2002. Besides, with the decision taken by the Board of Directors on the 5th of May 2006 , together with TRLIBOR, TRLIBID is decided to be published daily from the 3rd of July 2006.
TRLIBOR and TRLIBID are published on the pages, named TRYIBOR of the data givers by The Banks Association of Turkey at 11:15 hours in Turkish time every day when the banks work full-time in Turkey. TRLIBOR and TRLIBID are published in 8 different maturities as overnight, 1 weekly, 1 monthly, 2 monthly, 3 monthly, 6 monthly, 9 monthly and 12 monthly rates.
The Rules are continuously evaluated by the Management and Arbitration Committee which is formed as a result of election made by the participating banks. The Rules are updated by the decisions taken by the Board of Directors.
Announcement on the Transition Timeline to TLREF